ID Method Description
1 GET Requests a specified resource and returns the entity-body.
2 HEAD Similar to GET, but without the response body, used to retrieve response headers.
3 POST Submits data to be processed to the specified resource (e.g., form submission or file upload). Data is included in the request body. POST requests may lead to the creation of new resources and/or modification of existing resources.
4 PUT Replaces the content of the specified resource with data sent from the client.
5 DELETE Requests the server to delete the specified resource.
6 CONNECT Reserved in HTTP/1.1 for proxy servers that can convert the connection to a tunnel.
7 OPTIONS Allows the client to determine the communication options available on the server.
8 TRACE Echoes the request received by the server, primarily used for testing or diagnostics.
9 PATCH Contains a set of instructions describing how to modify the resource represented by the URI.
10 MOVE Requests the server to move the specified resource to another location.
11 COPY Requests the server to copy the specified resource to another location.
12 LINK Requests the server to establish a link relationship.
13 UNLINK Requests the server to sever a link relationship.
14 WRAPPED Allows the client to send encapsulated requests.
15 Extension-Method Allows for the addition of new methods without changing the protocol.