Chinese Morse Code Online Encryption and Decryption Tool

Chinese Morse Code Encryption and Decryption Tool: This tool allows you to encrypt and decrypt Chinese text using Morse code. When decrypting, please pay attention to the separators between characters.

Standard Morse code does not include Chinese characters. This Chinese Morse code tool uses Unicode conversion to obtain Morse code representations for Chinese characters.

About Morse Code

Morse code (also translated as Morse alphabet) is a form of telegraphic communication using on-off signals.

These signals are arranged in different sequences to represent different English letters, numbers, punctuation marks, and other symbols.

Morse code encryption supports characters, numbers, punctuation, and does not distinguish between uppercase and lowercase letters. It also supports Chinese characters.

Invented by Samuel Finley Breese Morse in 1837, Morse code paved the way for the invention of the Morse telegraph in 1835.

Morse Code Light Signal for SOS

Morse code is simple and clear, with minimal ambiguity. It is encoded using two characters: "." (dot) for short and "-" (dash) for long.

This system has many applications, such as sending distress signals.

When using Morse code with light signals for distress, a long light pulse represents "-", and a short light pulse represents ".". By toggling a flashlight, various messages, including distress signals, can be sent.

If the light signal follows the pattern "short pulse, dark, short pulse, dark, short pulse, dark, long pulse, dark, long pulse, dark, long pulse, dark, short pulse, dark, short pulse, dark, short pulse", it signifies the distress signal SOS.

The Morse code for SOS is "··· --- ···". According to the above rules, the light signal can be encoded as such. This encoding is actually very simple: three shorts, three longs, three shorts.

Apart from light signals, sound signals (two distinct sounds) can also be used to send distress signals. This method of distress signaling is something everyone should be aware of, as it may come in handy in emergency situations.

Morse Code Encryption List

I. Morse code encryption for the 26 English letters

Character Morse Code Symbol Character Morse Code Symbol Character Morse Code Symbol Character Morse Code Symbol
A .━ B ━ ... C ━ .━ . D ━ ..
E F ..━ . G ━ ━ . H ....
I .. J .━ ━ ━ K ━ .━ L .━ ..
M ━ ━ N ━ . O ━ ━ ━ P .━ ━ .
Q ━ ━ .━ R .━ . S ... T
U ..━ V ...━ W .━ ━ X ━ ..━
Y ━ .━ ━ Z ━ ━ ..

II. Morse Code Encryption for Numbers

Character Morse Code Symbol Character Morse Code Symbol Character Morse Code Symbol Character Morse Code Symbol
0 ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ 1 .━ ━ ━ ━ 2 ..━ ━ ━ 3 ...━ ━
4 ....━ 5 ..... 6 ━ .... 7 ━ ━ ...
8 ━ ━ ━ .. 9 ━ ━ ━ ━ .

III. Morse Code Encryption for Punctuation Marks

Character Morse Code Symbol Character Morse Code Symbol Character Morse Code Symbol Character Morse Code Symbol
. .━ .━ .━ : ━ ━ ━ ... , ━ ━ ..━ ━ ; ━ .━ .━ .
? ..━ ━ .. = ━ ...━ ' .━ ━ ━ ━ . / ━ ..━ .
! ━ .━ .━ ━ - ━ ....━ _ ..━ ━ .━ " .━ ..━ .
( ━ .━ ━ . ) ━ .━ ━ .━ $ ...━ ..━ & . ...
@ .━ ━ .━ .