KeyCode value will be displayed here
Key Code Values for Alphabet and Numeric Keys
Key Key Code Key Key Code Key Key Code Key Key Code
A 65 J 74 S 83 1 49
B 66 K 75 T 84 2 50
C 67 L 76 U 85 3 51
D 68 M 77 V 86 4 52
E 69 N 78 W 87 5 53
F 70 O 79 X 88 6 54
G 71 P 80 Y 89 7 55
H 72 Q 81 Z 90 8 56
I 73 R 82 0 48 9 57
Key Code Values for Numeric Keypad Keys Key Code Values for Function Keys
Key Key Code Key Key Code Function Key Key Code Function Key Key Code
0 96 8 104 F1 112 F7 118
1 97 9 105 F2 113 F8 119
2 98 * 106 F3 114 F9 120
3 99 + 107 F4 115 F10 121
4 100 Enter 108 F5 116 F11 122
5 101 - 109 F6 117 F12 123
6 102 . 110
7 103 / 111
Key Code Values for Control Keys
Key Key Code Key Key Code Key Key Code Key Key Code
BackSpace 8 Esc 27 Right Arrow 39 -_ 189
Tab 9 Spacebar 32 Dw Arrow 40 .> 190
Clear 12 Page Up 33 Insert 45 /? 191
Enter 13 Page Down 34 Delete 46 `~ 192
Shift 16 End 35 Num Lock 144 [{ 219
Control 17 Home 36 ;: 186 /| 220
Alt 18 Left Arrow 37 =+ 187 ]} 221
Cape Lock 20 Up Arrow 38 ,< 188 '" 222
Key Code Values for Multimedia Keys
Key Key Code Key Key Code Key Key Code Key Key Code
Volume Up 175
Volume Down 174
Stop 179
Mute 173
Browser 172
Mail 180
Search 170
Favorites 171

Keyboard KeyCode Tool

The Keyboard KeyCode Tool provides online acquisition of keyboard key codes. It allows for the online retrieval of KeyCode values, KeyAscii value comparisons, and the extraction of both Keyboard KeyCode and KeyAscii values. If the pressed key is a letter, the Keycode value equals the ASCII value of the uppercase version of that character. For other characters, the Keycode value is the same as the ASCII value of the underlying character on the keyboard. This tool enables rapid online acquisition of KeyCode and KeyAscii values for each keyboard key.