1. Please click the "Select Image" button to upload the image you wish to convert (supported formats: png, jpg, gif).

2. Select the desired ICO target size (icon files are generally small in size, with common sizes being 16x16, 32x32, 48x48, 64x64, and 128x128).

3. Click the "Generate ICO Icon" button to download and save the generated ICO icon to the root directory of your website.

Select Image...

Introduction to the Online ICO Icon Maker Tool

1. The favicon.ico is commonly used as a prefix thumbnail for website URLs, serving as the website's logo. The favicon.ico appears in the browser's address bar or tab, as indicated by the circled area below. Currently, almost all browsers support ico icons.

2. Upon successfully generating the favicon.ico icon file, the browser will automatically prompt a download for the ico icon. Click to save and place the downloaded favicon.ico icon in the root directory (or any other specified directory).

3. Insert <link rel="shortcut icon" href="/static/favicon.ico" /> between the <head></head> tags in the source file of your webpage.